Welcome to 420AppGames.Com®
Feedback, please contact:
John D. Blue @ CannaBizInc@yahoo.com
©2019-2025 John D. Blue
©2019-2025 John D. Blue
©2019-2025 John D. Blue
Registered domains:
PlayTicTacToke.Com + TicTacToke.Com + TicTacToke.App
TicTacToke® is a USA Federal Registered Trademark #5,550,912
The combination of ANY “Red Police Siren”; ANY Marijuana related Symbol and ANY related animated GIF file is protected by “Patent Pending”.
The complete concept was created by, and is owned, by John D. Blue.
The TicTacToke® layout is © 2012-2020 Copyrighted
Registered domains:
PlayPotCheckers.Com + PotCheckers.Com + PotCheckers.App
The game is played just like standard checkers.
In this game 1 player is playing against the Police.
PotCheckers™ is a Federal PENDING Trademark, serial #88/591,645.
The combination of ANY “Red Police Siren”; ANY Marijuana related
symbol and ANY animated GIF file, as displayed on a Checker Face,
is a Miscellaneous Trademark and “Patent Pending”.
The complete concept was created by, and is owned, by John D. Blue.
© 2018-2020 Copyrighted
Registered domains:
PlayDudeWheresMyPot.Com + DudeWheresMyPot.Com + DudeWheresMyPot.App
The game is played just like the standard SHELL game.
In this game 1 player is playing against the Police.
DudeWheresMyPot® is a Federal Registered Service Mark #5,731,323.
DudeWheresMyPot™ is also a PENDING Federal Trademark #88/591,645.
The combination of ANY “Red Police Siren”; ANY Marijuana related
symbol and ANY animated GIF file, as displayed in the Dude, Where’s My Pot®
app game is a Miscellaneous Trademark and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner: John D. Blue.
© 2016-2020 Copyrighted
Registered domains:
PlaySlangOrStrain.Com + SlangOrStrain.Com + SlangOrStrain.App
For this app game there are a total of 520 expressions.
SlangOrStrain™ is played by clicking on START.
An authentic Marijuana Slang Term or Strain Name will appear.
The player has to decide if the expression, in the DROP-DOWN,
is either a Slang Term or Strain Name and then click on their choice.
The creator of SlangOrStrain™ has complied an
authentic list of 8,115 Marijuana STRAIN names &
a list of 3,587 authentic SLANG expressions.
This totals a list of 11,702 entries for playing the
full version of SlangOrStrain™, in the future.
SlangOrStrain™ is a PENDING Federal Trademark #88/608,086.
The combination of ANY given Marijuana Slang Term or Strain Name; ANY
style of START button is a “Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner: John D. Blue
© 2012-2020 Copyrighted
Registered domains:
Play420Slots.Com + 420Slots.Com + 420Slots.App
420Slots™ is played the same as the standard slot machines.
To WIN, the player SPINS until 4/2/0 shows up.
Play again and again.
420Slots™ is a PENDING Federal Trademark #88/631,014.
The combination of ANY expressions, such as 420; BUD; HIT;
DEA; POT and THC used in a slot theme app game is a
“Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner: John D. Blue
© 2018-2020 Copyrighted
Registered domains:
Play420Darts.Com + 420DartsApp.Com + 420Darts.App
420Darts™ is a PENDING Trademark serial #88/678,165
420Darts™ is similar to the standard DARTS game.
* 1 player against the POLICE .
* All GREEN areas are the > PLAYER.
* All RED areas are the > POLICE.
* Player starts with ZERO points.
* The goal is to get a minimum of 420 points to WIN.
The score counting system will not go over 420 points.
* Hit any 1 of the GREEN animated GIF leaves; ADD +50 points.
* Hit any 1 of the GREEN animated 420’s > ADD +100 points.
* Hit any RED area > DEDUCT > -50 points.
* Hit the walking animated Marijuana GIF leaf in the center, ADD +200 points.
* Tap on the screen to stop the dart. Tap again to activate the dart throw placement.
The 420Darts™ layout is a “Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner > John D. Blue
© 2018-2020 Copyrighted
The USA version.
Registered domains:
PlayPuffPuffPass.Com + PuffPuffPassApp.Com + PuffPuffPass.App
PuffPuffPass® is a Federal Registered Service Mark #5,586,177
PuffPuffPass™ is a PENDING Trademark, serial #88/678,165
PuffPuffPass® is a game where 5 People or 5 States are in a circle.
Each player bets $5.00.
Each takes a HIT of a Marijuana Cigarette then passes it on to the next player.
Each time a player takes a HIT they have to say "PuffPuffPass".
If they fail to say "PuffPuffPass" cough or pass out, they are out of the game.
The last player holding the Marijuana cigarette WINS all the money!
My PuffPuffPass® app game is "Copyrighted" © 2016-2020
The combination of "ANY" shape, "such as a player circle", "ANY" Marijuana related symbol "such as a leaf", or "ANY" Marijuana animated .GIF
is a “Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner > John D. Blue
© 2016-2020 Copyrighted
The “CANADA” version.
Registered domains:
PuffPuffPassApp.CA + 420AppGames.CA
PuffPuffPass® is a USA Federal Registered Service Mark #5,586,177
PuffPuffPass™ is a USA PENDING Trademark, serial #88/678,165
PuffPuffPass™ is a game where 5 People or 5 Provinces/Territories are in a circle.
Each player bets $5.00.
Each takes a HIT of a Marijuana Cigarette then passes it on to the next player.
Each time a player takes a HIT they have to say "PuffPuffPass".
If they fail to say "PuffPuffPass" cough or pass out, they are out of the game.
The last player holding the Marijuana cigarette WINS all the money!
My PuffPuffPass™ app game is "Copyrighted" © 2018-2020
The combination of "ANY" shape, "such as a player circle", "ANY" Marijuana related symbol "such as a leaf", or "ANY" Marijuana animated .GIF
is a “Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner > John D. Blue, from Ontario Canada
© 2018-2020 Copyrighted
The “EU European” version.
Registered domain:
PuffPuffPass® is a USA Federal Registered Service Mark #5,586,177
PuffPuffPass™ is a USA PENDING Trademark, serial #88/678,165
PuffPuffPass™ is a game where 5 People or 5 EU countries are in a circle.
Each player bets $5.00.
Each takes a HIT of a Marijuana Cigarette then passes it on to the next player.
Each time a player takes a HIT they have to say "PuffPuffPass".
If they fail to say "PuffPuffPass" cough or pass out, they are out of the game.
The last player holding the Marijuana cigarette WINS all the money!
My PuffPuffPass™ app game is "Copyrighted" © 2018-2020
The combination of "ANY" shape, "such as a player circle", "ANY" Marijuana related symbol "such as a leaf", or "ANY" Marijuana animated .GIF
is a “Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner > John D. Blue, from Ontario Canada
© 2018-2020 Copyrighted
The “VIVA MEXICO” version.
Registered domains:
PuffPuffPass.MX + 420AppGames.MX
PuffPuffPass® is a USA Federal Registered Service Mark #5,586,177
PuffPuffPass™ is a USA PENDING Trademark, serial #88/678,165
PuffPuffPass™ es un juego en el cual cada uno en un círculo
pasa el empalme de la marijuana, el Spliff, el Bong o el otro smokeage.
Cada uno apuesta $5.00 a él.
Cada vez que usted toma un golpe usted tiene que decir “el paso del soplo del soplo”
Si usted no puede decirlo, toser o pasar hacia fuera, usted está fuera de la rotación.
La persona pasada que sostiene el smokeage guarda todo el dinero.
Jugar, hay 2 OPCIONES. Incorpore 5 nombres de los amigos O de
la lista drop-down selecciona 5 estados.
Entonces golpee la flecha del JUEGO.
My PuffPuffPass™ app game is "Copyrighted" © 2018-2020
The combination of "ANY" shape, "such as a player circle", "ANY" Marijuana related symbol "such as a leaf", or "ANY" Marijuana animated .GIF
is a “Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner > John D. Blue, from Ontario Canada
© 2018-2020 Copyrighted
Registered domains:
PuffPuffBURP.Com + PuffPuffBURP.App
PuffPuffBURP™ is a USA PENDING Trademark, serial #88/643,692
PuffPuffBURP™ is a game in which 5 players are in a circle, pass
a Marijuana Joint, Spliff, Bong, or other smokeage, and are drinking
BURP DRINKS; such as soda or sparkling water.
Everyone bets $5.00 on winning.
Each time a player takes a hit they have to say “PuffPuffPass” and NOT BURP!
If they fail to say “PuffPuffPass”, cough, pass out, or BURP they are out of the game.
The last person holding the smokeage and did NOT BURP, keeps all the money!
My PuffPuffBURP™ app game is "Copyrighted" © 2018-2020
The combination of "ANY" shape, "such as a player circle", "ANY" Marijuana related symbol "such as a leaf", or "ANY" Marijuana animated .GIF
is a “Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner > John D. Blue, from Ontario Canada
© 2018-2020 Copyrighted
Registered domains:
PuffPuffFART.Com + PuffPuffFART.App
PuffPuffFART™ is a USA PENDING Trademark, serial #88/644,019
Everybody FARTS
On average, men FART 12 times a day while women FART seven times – in portions
of 30 to 120 milliliters. The total is the equivalent of a blown-up party balloon.
Imagine how much space 25 litres of gas would occupy – about one third of the
interior of a small car. That’s how much gas you produce every day in your intestines.
So it’s little wonder that farting, bloating and burping are relatively common.
Here are 9 surprising facts, you may NOT know!
#1 > The average person produces about 500 to 1,500 milliliters of gas per day.
* And expels it in 10 to 20 FARTS!
#2 > 99 percent of the gas you produce does not smell!
#3 > gum and soda can make you FART more!
#4 > FARTing is the result of a healthy, complex ecosystem in your intestines.
#5 > there’s a simple reason why you don’t mind the smell of your own FARTS!
#6 > Yes, you can light a FART on fire!
#7 > No, you can’t hold in a FART until it disappears.
#8 > BEANS cut down on gas production by starving these bacteria.
#9 > starving your FART producing bacteria is NOT a good idea.
Read more details from this link:
PuffPuffFART™ is a game in which 5 players sit in a circle & pass
a Marijuana Joint, Spliff, Bong or other smokeage and are drinking
FART drinks, such as sodas!
Everyone puts $5.00 on becoming the $25.00 winner.
Each time a player takes a hit, they have to say PuffPuffPass™!
If they fail to say it, cough, pass out, or FART, you're out of the rotation.
The last person holding the smokeage, and doesn't FART,
on each pass, keeps all the money!
To play, ENTER your name & 4 Friends names and CLICK on the ARROW.
My PuffPuffFART™ app game is "Copyrighted" © 2018-2020
The combination of "ANY" shape, "such as a player circle", "ANY" Marijuana related symbol "such as a leaf", or "ANY" Marijuana animated .GIF
is a “Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner > John D. Blue, from Ontario Canada
© 2018-2020 Copyrighted
Registered domains:
PuffPuffPRES.Com + PuffPuffPresident.Com + PuffPuffPRES.App
PuffPuffPRES™ is a USA PENDING Trademark, serial #88/731,152.
PuffPuffPRES™ is a game in which 1 player and 4 USA Presidents;
Trump, Obama, Clinton & Bush; sit in a circle.
Everyone bets $5.00 on becoming the $25.00 winner.
They pass a Marijuana Joint, Spliff, Bong, or other smokeage.
Each time a player takes a hit they have to say “PuffPuffPass”.
If they fail to say “PuffPuffPass”, cough or pass out they are out of the game.
The last player holding the smokeage keeps all the money!
To play, click on the Trump Cartoon.
Enter your FIRST name in the top box, above Trump.
Then click on the green Play arrow.
The game runs itself as an “AI” app.
My PuffPuffPRES™ app game is "Copyrighted" © 2018-2020
The combination of "ANY" shape, "such as a player circle", "ANY" Marijuana related symbol "such as a leaf", or "ANY" Marijuana animated .GIF
is a “Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner > John D. Blue.
© 2018-2020 Copyrighted
Registered domains:
PuffPuffCELEB.Com + PuffPuffCELEB.App
PuffPuffCELEB™ is a USA PENDING Trademark, serial #88/691,882.
PuffPuffCELEB™ is a game in which 1 player and 4 Celebrities are in a circle.
Each bet $5.00 on becoming the $25.00 winner.
The player enters their name in the top box.
The 4 Celebrities are selected from a drop-down list of 17:
Jennifer Aniston
Jim Carrey
Cheech & Chong
Miley Cyrus
Cameron Diaz
Snoop Dogg
Kirston Dunst
Morgan Freeman
Ryan Goslin
Woody Harrelson
Jennifer Lawrence
Matthew McConaughey
Willie Nelson
Brad Pitt
Seth Rogan
Kevin Smith
Charlize Theron
Next, to play, click on the GREEN arrow.
The game runs itself as an “AI” (Artificial Intelligence) app.
They pass a Marijuana Joint, Spliff, Bong, or other smokeage.
Each time a player takes a hit they have to say “PuffPuffPass”.
If they fail to say “PuffPuffPass”, cough or pass out they are out of the game.
The last player holding the smokeage keeps all the money.
My PuffPuffCELEB™ app game is "Copyrighted" © 2018-2020
The combination of "ANY" shape, "such as a player circle", "ANY" Marijuana related symbol "such as a leaf", or "ANY" Marijuana animated .GIF
is a “Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner > John D. Blue.
© 2018-2020 Copyrighted
Registered domains:
PuffPuffATHLETE.Com + PuffPuffATHLETE.App
PuffPuffATHLETE™ is a USA PENDING Trademark, serial #88/695,371.
PuffPuffATHLETE™ is a game in which 1 player and 4 Athletes are in a circle.
Each bet $5.00 on becoming the $25.00 winner.
The player enters their name in the top box.
The 4 Athletes are selected from a drop-down list of 14:
Jamie Anderson (Snowboarder)
Usain Bolt (Runner)
Liz Carmouche (MMA)
Avery Collins (Ultra Marathoner)
Nick Delpopolo (Judo)
Dee Dussault (Ganga Yoga)
Amy Van Dyken (Swimmer)
Greta Gaines (Extreme Snowboarder)
Tim Lincecum (Baseball)
Jim McAlpine (420 Games)
Michael Phelps (Swimmer)
Ross Rebagliati (Snowboarder)
Jason Williams (Basketball)
Ricky Williams (Football)
Next, to play, click on the GREEN arrow.
The game runs itself as an “AI” (Artificial Intelligence) app.
They pass a Marijuana Joint, Spliff, Bong, or other smokeage.
Each time a player takes a hit they have to say “PuffPuffPass”.
If they fail to say “PuffPuffPass”, cough or pass out they are out of the game.
The last player holding the smokeage keeps all the money.
My PuffPuffATHLETE™ app game is "Copyrighted" © 2018-2020
The combination of "ANY" shape, "such as a player circle", "ANY" Marijuana related symbol "such as a leaf", or "ANY" Marijuana animated .GIF
is a “Miscellaneous Trademark” and “Patent Pending”
The complete concept was created by the owner > John D. Blue.
© 2018-2020 Copyrighted